Participant role in the project
UN-LINA: Besides the role of coordinator, UN-LINA and the Natural Language Processing team will work on comparable corpus compilation, terminology extraction, bilingual term alignment, architecture for terminology acquisition and the definition and development of a platform based on UIMA to handle comparable corpora and integrating NLP tools for morphosyntactic tagging and terminology extraction.
IMS-STUTTGART: IMS will apply its competences in computational linguistics to TTC project. IMS will especially contribute to tasks related to monolingual term extraction (MWT and SWT). Finally, IMS will bring its expertise on NLP tools in the area of morphology and syntax.
UL-CTS: The Center for Translation Studies from Leeds University will play an important role in corpus collection and term extraction activities. UL-CTS will lead the evaluation of the impact of TTC results on MT tools.
SOGITEC: As an industrial partner, SOGITEC will provide its end user vision to help the consortium in the definition of requirements and specifications. SOGITEC will perform the evaluation of TTC impacts on computer-assisted translation tools.
SYLLABS: Syllabs R&D; team will bring its skills on the development and optimization of multilingual linguistic resources such as corpora and lexica for NLP. Syllabs will also work on the focused web crawler of multilingual data.
TILDE: TILDE is a company specializing in language technologies for the languages of Baltic states whose role in the TTC project is to develop an open terminology platform, work on procedures for term extraction and term alignment for the Latvian language, and finally optimize the process of translation in localization services. Furthermore, TILDE is responsible for dissemination activities.
EURINNOV: EURINNOV role in the project is related to management and dissemination activities of the TTC project. EURINNOV is responsible for Administrative, Financial and Legal management as well as Scientific and Technical coordination.